Republic of Malaysia | Local Campaigns Resources

July 18, 2008

BUSH USD 200 ? 1000 per barrel ? Hit it ! Thats D’day We Waited !

Filed under: Republic of Malaysia — Tags: , , , , , , , — Nun Ha Alliance @ 7:31 am

I refer to this Wealthy Man Program

Video Bush

Of the Day Our Children Skip School but to Warfield : of Oil Speculators : usd1000 pb : of WW III

So, we met a lot of nonsense-talk. Some say down, some say UP. We want 30 dollars per barrel !!!

Yes, we were made stupid because of the rich. Look at that King who owns the oil filed. Look at the wealthy who wants to make more. Look at that sharp nose who yearns for the oil in others land. Look at the nanny using the oil. Look at the baby who needs the oil. Look at those Americans who go to war, and made the oil so important to them. Look at Arabs, who made all this stucked. Your world is stucked !! BECAUSE YOU LOVE WAR !!

Go Ahead !! Go ahead to suck this mother earth wealth !!

Go ahead to book the ticket to your doomsday. The hell is near you. Hell to Oil. Oil to Bell the Hell. Is nearing You. Soon. Very Soon.


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